Legitimate Interest Statement

Legitimate Interest Statement
Purpose of Processing: RAAS Lab processes personal data to increase the chances of showing a creative that relates to an end user’s previous experience on the advertiser’s website. This processing is essential to offer an increase in ad engagement from the end user.

Necessity of Processing: The processing of personal data is critical for RAAS Lab's platform to remain competitive against other martech platforms and to operate effectively without reliance on client-side storage/data. Without this data, our platform would suffer from a decreased uptake as advertisers would be unable to operate with a single platform provider.

Benefits of Processing:

  • Advertiser Benefits: Increased ad engagement due to more relevant and personalized creatives.
  • End User Benefits: Receiving ads that are more aligned with their interests and previous interactions, enhancing their overall browsing experience.

Third-Party Benefits: Both the advertiser and the end user benefit from the increased engagement and relevance of the ads.

Wider Public Benefits: While there are no direct wider public benefits, the improved efficiency in advertising contributes to a more effective and user-friendly online experience.

Importance of Identified Benefits: The identified benefits are crucial for maintaining a competitive edge in the market and for the continued operation of our platform without relying on client-side data storage.

Impact if Processing is Not Carried Out: If this processing were unavailable, the product would suffer from reduced uptake, as advertisers would be unable to effectively operate with a single platform provider, significantly impacting the competitiveness and viability of our platform.

Compliance with Data Protection Rules: RAAS Lab does not use this data for profiling. The data collected is solely to increase the chances of selecting suitable creatives. Targeting itself falls outside of the platform. Instead, RAAS Lab responds to a re-targeted impression by way of unobtrusive browser settings data.

Compliance with Other Relevant Laws: N/A

Compliance with Industry Guidelines: RAAS Lab remains compliant with industry guidelines relating to technical constraints for data security and retention policies.

Ethical Issues: There are no ethical issues of note associated with this processing.

Conclusion: After thorough consideration, RAAS Lab believes that our legitimate interests in processing personal data for increasing ad engagement are not overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subjects. This processing is carried out in a manner that ensures the protection of data subjects’ privacy and aligns with applicable data protection laws and regulations.

Changes to this statement

We may update this legitimate interest statement from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or applicable laws. We will notify users of any changes by posting the new statement on our website.

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please contact us at dpo@raaslab.com.

Last Modified June 2024